Various Web Apps Used in Teaching

There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important.

1- Google drive

Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices. Google Drive  provides 15 GB of free storage. Wheher you want to create stunning presentations, collaborate on a document, make beautiful drawing or design spreadsheets for your class, Google Drive is the answer. Check out this resource page to explore the tools and tips on how to use Google Drive in your teaching.

2- Dropbox

Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. The syncing capacities of Dropbox makes it a must have tool for teachers. Check out this resource page to learn more about this tool

3- Evernote

Evernote is powerful web tool that you can use to make notes, bookmark webpages and many more. Evernote is free and works across different devices mobile and web based. Check this page to discover tools you can use to tap into the educational potential of Evernote.

4- Twitter

This is one of the best social networking platform out there. Twitter allows you to create your PLN and and connect with other educators from all around the world. Check Twitter for teachers to learn more about this web tool.

5- Google Plus

This is another wonderful social networking platform and though it is not as popular as Twitter , Google Plus remains a powerful platform for connecting with like minded teachers and educators. It also offers some great services like Google Hangout, Communities, pages and many more. Check out this resource page to learn more about these services

6- Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking website that allows you to bookmark,organize, and curate  your digital content into pinboards that can be easily shared with others. This page has some practicap tips on how to use Pinterest with your students.

7- Socrative

Socrative is a smart student response system that empowers teachers to engage their classrooms through a series of educational exercises and games via smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

8- Edmodo

Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Check out this page to learn more about how to use Edmodo with your students.

9- Tweetdeck

Tweetdeck allows you to create a custom Twitter experience. Organize and build custom timelines, keep track of lists, searches, activity and more—all in one interface.

10- Prezi

This is a cloud based presentation tool that allows you to creating awesome presentations embeddable in different websites and blogs


This is a cool tool to use to turn the feeds of your Twitter, Facebook, or Google Plus into a neat looking magazine.

12- ThingLink

ThingLink is a web tool that lets you create interactive images. These interactive images can contain links, videos, presentations and many more.

14- Flipboard

This is a good platform you can use to collect, and curate your favourite stories and read them in a magazine like format.

15- Skype

This is Voice-over-IP service that allows you make individual and group calls. It is also an ideal tool to host hangouts and tutorials.

16- TED Ed

This platform allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can distribute the lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.

17- Edutopia

Edutopia is one of my favourite educational resource, Edutopia's motto is "Empowering and connecting teachers, administrators, and parents with innovative solutions and resources to better education."

19- Google  in Education

This is a platform created by Google where you will get to learn everything you need to know about using Google products in education

20- YouTube Video Editor
This is by all means a wonderful video creating and editing tool for teachers and students. It is available for free on YouTube and is very simple to use

21- Wevideo

WeVideo is an  online video creation platform, providing video editing, collaboration, and sharing across any device - mobile, tablets, laptops & PCs.

This is an excelent web tool that lets you curate content in the web and organize it into boards similar to Pinterest boards.

23- TodaysMeet

Talk, Listen. TodaysMeet helps you embrace the backchannel and connect with your students in realtime.
24- Keynote

The new Keynote for Mac makes it easy to create and share stunning presentations. Interactive charts make data pop. It's even PowerPoint compatible.
25- Poll Everywhere

Audience response system that uses mobile phones, twitter, and the web. Responses are displayed in real-time on gorgeous charts in PowerPoint, Keynote
26- Piktochart

From all the infographic making tools out there, PiktoChart is one of the best of them all. It's free and very easy to use. It also provides you with already made templates to use.

27- Edshelf

This is another wonderful web tool to curate, organize and share web content.

28- Diigo

Diigo is a social bookmarking website which allows signed-up users to bookmark and tag web-pages. Additionally, it allows users to highlight any part of a webpage and attach sticky notes to specific highlights or to a whole page
29- Slideshare

The world's largest community for sharing PowerPoint, OpenOffice presentations, Keynote, PDF and infographics.
3o- Pearltrees

Pearltrees is a social library. It lets you cultivate your interests. Collect, organize and share everything you like.

31- Remind101

A safe, free way for teachers to text message students and keep in touch with parents.


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Gethuk Lindri