
Showing posts from February, 2020

Beberapa model Pengajaran

1.  PICTURE AND PICTURE      Langkah-langkah : Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang ingin dicapai Menyajikan materi sebagai pengantar Guru menunjukkan/memperlihatkan gambar-gambar kegiatan berkaitan dengan materi Guru menunjuk/memanggil siswa secara bergantian memasang/mengurutkan gambar-gambar menjadi urutan yang logis Guru menanyakan alasan/dasar pemikiran urutan gambar tersebut Dari alasan/urutan gambar tersebut guru memulai menamkan konsep/materi sesuai dengan kompetensi  yang ingin dicapai Kesimpulan/rangkuman 2.  JIGSAW (MODEL TIM AHLI)       Langkah-langkah : Siswa dikelompokkan ke dalam = 4 anggota tim Tiap orang dalam tim diberi bagian materi yang berbeda Tiap orang dalam tim diberi bagian materi yang ditugaskan Anggota dari tim yang berbeda yang telah mempelajari bagian/sub bab yang sama bertemu dalam kelompok baru (kelompok ahli) untuk mendiskusikan sub bab mereka Setelah selesai diskusi sebagai tim ahli tiap anggota kembali ke kelompok asal dan bergantian mengajar

Ever try one of them in teaching English?

 Teachers Network Teachers Network provides lesson plans, classroom specials, teacher designed activities for different subjects and many other resources. 2- Smithsonian Education Smithsonian Education offers a wide variety of free resources for teachers, students and parents. 3- Education World This is another great website for teachers. It provides teaching tips, lesson plans, activities, academic articles, web resources and many more. 4- Discovery Education Discovery Education offers a broad range of free classroom resources that complement and extend learning beyond the bell 5- The Gateway This is one of the oldest publicly accessible U.S repositories of education resources on the web. It contains a variety of educational resource types from activities and lesson plans to online projects to assessment items. 6- EdHelper EdHelper  provides teachers with free printables, graphic organizers, worksheets, lesson plans, games and many other activities. 7- Thinkfinity Thinkfinity is a fre

Various Web Apps Used in Teaching

There are loads of web platforms that are educationally focused and to contain them all in one list is way beyond the scope of a short blog post like this , therefore I selected only what I deemed the most important. 1-  Google drive Google Drive is a great suite of productivity tools that works across different devices. Google Drive  provides 15 GB of free storage. Wheher you want to create stunning presentations, collaborate on a document, make beautiful drawing or design spreadsheets for your class, Google Drive is the answer. Check out  this resource page  to explore the tools and tips on how to use Google Drive in your teaching. 2-  Dropbox Dopbox is another wonderful cloud-based storage platform that allows you to easily save and store your docs and PDFs and share them with others. The syncing capacities of Dropbox makes it a must have tool for teachers. Check out  this resource page  to learn more about this tool 3-  Evernote Evernote is powerful web tool that you can use to mak

Mobile Learning Application Used in Teaching

Mobile learning is a relatively recent learning trend that has seen the light  due to the widespread of Internet-enabled mobile devices and the rise of what is known as ‘ Apps Culture ’. More and more learners are using the power of apps to connect, share, and learn on the go. From entertainment to navigational services, there is almost an app for anything you want to accomplish. In today’s post, we are featuring 8 of the best educational apps you can use on your iOS device to enrich your learning experiences and expand your intellectual growth. These are apps that provide you access to a diversified wealth of educational resources that include recorded lectures from leading universities, instructional videos covering different topics, best selling nonfiction books, courses on different specialization and many more. Have a look and share with us if you have other suggestions to add to the list. 1-  The Great Courses Plus ‘Over 8,000 college level videos and lectures at your fingertips!